Wednesday 19 February 2014

Performance Maximum

"Shaklee Max performance endurance sports drink is more of a post workout supplement drink rather than an energy drink. It comes as powder, you mix it in some water or juice or something, and it basically tastes like lemonade mix. It is full of electrolytes, which i really like drinking after workouts, soccer practice, competition etc. to replace all the salt you lose through your body from sweating. It is not too sugary, so it is a pretty good drink for a dieting person, but at the same time it probably will not provide you energy like monster or redbull will. Overall, i thought it is really cheap and a good post workout supplement drink to have."

"Shaklee max endurance sports drink is a great gatorade-like drink for athletes. It comes in a bucket, and you mix some of the mix with some water, and that's it. Its very simple, easy to make, and portable. Additionally, it is very cheap, like only 20 dollars for a gallon of mix.

It gives great energy. It is basically kind of like gatorade, except with less sugar, more electrolytes and other salts to replenish and rehydrate your body. It provides a source of instant energy. I drink some before, during, and after my workouts, sports competitions. 

The taste is pretty good. It comes with citrus and lemon lime. They taste jsut like any other regular sports drink!"

cited from Supplementarium

Harga RM82.50

PM FB for Order

Atau SMS/ WASSAP 0172955529

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